Life Update: Just keep swimming
Heeey there beautiful people, I actually managed to survive the first day after midterm holidays and let me say: it was actually a quite productive one! Luckily there were loads of lessons with substitute teachers today as the flu seems to have found its way into the faculty room and I know this sounds horrible but I was quite thankful for that. More time to focus on more urgent project and have some time for mind wandering at home. I also got my thesis printed and bound today! This must somehow be how authors feel like when they hold their first novel in their hands, I was so proud of myself and flipping through the pages felt amazing! I was so motivated that I started preparing my thesis presentation which is actually due in a few months, so nothing to worry about. Got back my music test today and it's an A! Quite a tight one, but an A stays an A, am I right? Tomorrow I'll find out my physics test grade and I'm very sure that I failed this one... To be honest, I...