What I keep on my desk
Hi and welcome to the blog!
Today I am going to spill the beans of what I need for my study sessions! To be honest it's nothing extraordinary, but maybe it helps some of you or you are one of the nosy ones ;)
The most important thing for a successful study session for me is definitely a clean desk, although that's not always the case. Nevertheless I try to keep it somewhat tidy and force myself to pack away my supplies and wipe it off with a wet cloth once I'm finished.
Another thing that I sometimes fail to do but it's in fact crucial is staying hydrated. If you're not to keen on drinking somewhat tasteless water, maybe try spicing it up with a spritz of lemon juice or settle for unsweetened tea.
The one thing I can't study without is my trusty MacBookAir, always plugged in to avoid running out of battery.
Next to it I keep my textbooks, a notebook, some highlighters, pens and a ruler. It might surprise you, but I also keep my phone on my desk in order to track my study time using the StudyBreak app. It keeps you from procrastinating and tracks the time actually spend for studying while also reminding you to take breaks in between. Occasionally I also keep some healthy snacks near, because I'm gonna be sat here for a while, so I might as well keep my tummy entertained!
What do you keep on your desk?
Keep studying,
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